US role in Israel and Hezbollah war
I want to give short analysis of mine of the Israel's war in Lebanon against the Hezbollah. I think it is not the war of Israel but that of US. Simple it is. US never pressed Lebanon to fight against Hezbollah. Now it thinks(pressurise) Syria should stop Hezbollah. Israel instead of going on war should have helped Lebanon to disable Hez. Advantages for US: It is trying to eliminate another militant group but without invading the country this time, it is using Israel for it's purpose. This war can lead Iran to involve and if Iran enters the scene US will invade Iran and make a war and destroy its nuclear facilities. Thus it will have its presence throughout the middle east.From Israel,Lebanon,Iraq,Iran, Pakistan(more or less), Afghanistan. China and Russia will become cautious.
Condi says US looks for long term and not for short term peace, this clearly indicates their policy they are waiting for something big to happen to poke their nose in. Long term peace..what the hell.. there won't be anyone left by that time to make peace. Lebanon is already a junkyard.
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