Saturday, December 30, 2006

The most Dangerous person is Saddam or Bush?

Atlast he is dead. The man the world most dreaded..what? wait a min he is not the most dreaded person. He was dangerous only to the Iraqi people and not to the world. But the world keeps talking about him only because US is involved. Anyways since he is dead now, what next? What would be the strategy of the American president the question people all over the world have been asking. It has been 3 yrs since Saddam hussein has been captured and there has been no major difference in Iraq it still is the same when American forces entered their land first to dethrone Saddam and find evidence of WMDs. There have been no WMDs and there won't be any. Because US has made a mistake it has taken on the burden to rebuild the nation and on whose cost? People all over are paying for this. Why did not the Security Council lay any sanctions on US and UK after they have admitted that they had made a mistake. What the Fuck are the other 3 nations doing? And now was it right to give a death sentence to Saddam since knowing that he had no WMDs. He must have committed severe atrocities against his people but the punishment was for their (Iraq) court to decide and not the international one. Since he is dead now US would definitely try to leave Iraq within a year but wherewould their next venture be? Iran/Syria/Pakistan? Or would they shift their focus back onto afghanistan?

I think the most dangerous person is infact the American President George Bush. Countries in the middle east might have started fearing him as anybody could be the scapegoat. He is Dangerous to world over and not to his people just the opposite of Saddam. He never gave an apt answer for actions, just thrown it on terrorism and creating a safer world. I think he missed the basic point here, What is the difference between a terrorist and a common man. Doing what a terrorist does will not help create a safe world rather would spurt it. Look at India, it has never thought of attacking its neighbour no matter what (even when Parliament was attacked).

By saying it I am neither supporting Bush nor Saddam but worrying on the helplessness of UN. If it does not work then no country in this world would ever feel safe. I think it would go only one way, a world war 3 when all the nations after destroying each other to the point of extinction would unite, live again and start preparing for the world war 4.