Monday, October 25, 2010

The Bane of Immigration

it is a well known fact that America has seen the influx of immigrants in the past decade unlike anyother and when we look back those immigrants have definitely changed the perception of America around the globe and among the Americans themselves. Uncle Sam doesn't seem to be the mighty Sam he used to be. Politicians and people have put the blame on the 9/11 and the Great recession for this change. Although these have changed the imagination of the people about America, I think it was only to some extent. The majority of the influence was because of the immigration. Immigration has not only caused America to lose on jobs, economy but also made it lose it's mystique. American culture which includes Hollywood, Pop culture, McDonalds among many other things has got over exposed to the world and the world no longer desires to experience this great culture and why? because that culture has been introduced in their own culture with a blend of their own.

With more and more immigration I sense many more problems arriving at the doorstep. We already are seeing problems in job scenario and much more frightening is the security scenario. With so many multicultural and multinational immigrants from around the globe we often underestimate the complexity of the problem. We already see that immigrants of a certain nation forming little pockets of their own people, be it the Europeans, the Japs, Chinese, Indians, Veits, matter who, they tend to live close to each other. We can't blame them as people tend move in a herd and evidently so in a non-native country. With these small pockets of nations there are bound to be security problems and many a times civil unrest may also arise.

With muslims being so obliviously avoided by the non muslims, muslims will definitely start feeling discriminated and with more and more immigration there definitely will arise some kind of protests eventually though there may not be a civil war.

We could take the example of many nations around the world that have faced such an immigration burden for centuries. Countries like India, Brazil, South Africa see immigration from their neighbouring poor countries and thereby face huge security problem.

Immigration not only brings best and bright people from around the world but also the best and bright cultures, religions. With the introduction of new religions there definitely will be clashes, no matter how much tolerance one has it will break one day. And also when people migrate to a new country their country of origin still tries to protect them or atleast try to influence the migrated country on matters relating to their migrated citizens or more often than not on the matters involving the people of their religion. For example, the influence of Vatican (for Catholics) or Saudi Arabia (Muslims) or Israel (Jews) or the America or England (for Chrisitans). This will uncessarily boil the relations between the two nations and hence provoke hostility.

So is Immigration a bane or a boon? If we think of the world some 50 years ago...although it was poor, it still was much safer and there were less hostility between the nations. Immigration definitely needs to stop for the good of the nations and the world. It would have been good if all the nations were of the same religion or if all the nations had similar culture or if all the nations were equally rich and developed or if all the nations were of the same color and race. When there is no commong ground, why will a Christian share his lunch with a Hindu, why will an Arab sing Jewish songs or why will an American share his secrets with a russian.

Just as how reproduction is the ultimate truth of mankind, moving in a herd is equally true.
Immigration may not cause any problems at all, but it definitely does onething, globalize and bring the world together which in one way is very good but looking at the perspective of uniqueness and mystiqueness it loses out. Also looking in terms of growth, rather than 100 people working together one group, there will be more growth if there are 10 groups with 10 people each.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Back again!

Realized that my english speaking skills are going bad to worse day by day. Probably because I am now staying and moving with all gultus and hardly anyone speaks at the office. Most of the communication is only through emails and messenger. Even though blog doesn't let me speak but it surely helps me to think of some good english words when in need.

Been watching Naruto Shippuden for more than a year now, such an inspiring and gripping story...never thought that an animated series would be so good. It's almost as enthralling as The Jungle Book. However said so, it's frustrating to wait an entire week for a new episode which lasts only for about 20 mins. Unable to bear the waiting time, I went ahead and read the whole manga comic book, thinking that it is complete. But to my surprise it is also not complete and have to again wait for an entire week to read the next chapter of the comic. Damn frustrated!!!

But seriously, Naruto Shippuden has given me something to look forward to on thursdays. Since past 4 months the work at office has been grinding and it's been more so on thursdays since they assign the tickets to us on that day, but at the end of the day while driving back home I realize that it is thursday and I get to watch the new episode of Naruto.